How to Host a Website

Over time, people that want a website is really confused about how to go about it. For people to see you online, you need a website and the website need to be published online before it can be viewed on the internet. To have a website, there are some ingredients needed; and one of the most important ingredients is web hosting. To have your website up and running, you will need a hosting account.

Most people prefer free website hosting or a web hosting that comes with free domain name. Free web hosting is a great option for a website with low traffic, such as a personal website. It’s also great for those who aren’t tech savvy and just want a free and easy way to put information online. You don’t have to let money or tech skills keep you from making the website you want to make; but have a website that comes with paid web hosting and free domain name is the greatest to achieve your online dreams easily. You can start your website by buying a only webhosting that will not cost you up to ₦2,000($12.50) per year

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